2024 Feng Shui Guide for Renovations and Major Activities (July to December)

2024 Feng Shui Guide for Renovations and Major Activities (July to December)

As we approach the latter half of 2024, using Feng Shui principles can help optimize your renovations and major activities. The provided chart outlines the major directions, auspicious elements, and the best solar months to undertake significant changes. This guide focuses on the period from July to December 2024, ensuring you harness positive energy for success and harmony.

July to December 2024 Feng Shui Directions


Directions Suitable for Renovations & Major Activities

East: Make a Fortune

  • Auspicious Element: Metal (White & Gold)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 7th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

To attract wealth and prosperity, focus on the eastern part of your home or office. Incorporate white and gold elements and consider scheduling major activities in the 7th or 12th solar months.

Northeast: Widen Your Network

  • Auspicious Element: Earth (Yellow & Brown)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 8th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

Strengthening connections and expanding your network can be achieved by enhancing the northeast area with yellow and brown earth elements. The 8th, 11th and 12th solar months are optimal for such endeavors.

Southwest: Harmony Begets Wealth

  • Auspicious Element: Wood (Green)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 8th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

Focus on harmony and wealth by utilizing green wood elements in the southwest. Major renovations or activities in the 8th or 12th solar months will yield the best results.


Directions Suitable for Major Activities; Avoid Renovations if Possible

Southeast: Wisdom Breeds Success

  • Auspicious Element: Fire (Red & Orange)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 7th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

To enhance wisdom and success, incorporate red and orange fire elements in the southeast. Plan significant activities for the 7th, 11th or 12th solar months.

Northwest: Help Each Other

  • Auspicious Element: Fire (Red & Orange)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 8th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

Promote mutual assistance and support by focusing on the northwest area with fire elements. The 8th and 12th solar month is a particularly favorable time for these activities.

North: Observe and Wait

  • Auspicious Element: Metal (White & Gold)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 7th Solar Month
    • 8th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

Enhance your ability to observe and wait strategically by incorporating metal elements in the north. The 8th, 11th and 12th solar months are the best times for significant activities in this area.


Unsuitable for Renovations & Major Activities

West: Save for Rainy Days

  • Auspicious Element: Metal (White & Gold)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 8th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month

The western area should focus on financial prudence with white and gold metal elements. Plan your activities in the 8th or 11th solar months for the best outcomes.


South: Act and Speak Carefully

  • Auspicious Element: Water (Blue & Black)
  • Suitable Solar Months for Renovations/Major Activities:
    • 7th Solar Month
    • 11th Solar Month
    • 12th Solar Month

The South can be considered during the 7th, 11th, and 12th solar months. Focus on calm communication and careful actions, incorporating blue and black water elements for balance.


By aligning your renovations and major activities with these Feng Shui directions and suitable solar months, you can optimize the positive energy in your environment. Whether you aim to enhance wealth, wisdom, or relationships, following these guidelines from July to December 2024 will help you achieve your goals harmoniously.