The Dark Truth About Drinking Seltzer: What You Need to Know

The Dark Truth About Drinking Seltzer: What You Need to Know

Seltzer has become a popular choice for those looking to cut down on sugary drinks, offering a bubbly alternative that seems healthier at first glance. However, there are a few reasons why this fizzy drink might not be the best option for everyone. Here’s a look at why you might want to rethink your seltzer habit.


1. It Could Harm Your Teeth

Seltzer is essentially carbonated water, and this carbonation process creates carbonic acid. This makes seltzer more acidic than plain water, with a pH usually between 4.18 and 5.87. Over time, this acidity can wear down tooth enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, potentially leading to cavities. So, if you're drinking a lot of seltzer, you might be putting your dental health at risk.


2. It Can Make You Feel Bloated

The bubbles that make seltzer so refreshing can also cause bloating and discomfort. When you drink a fizzy beverage, you’re also swallowing gas, which can expand in your stomach. This might leave you feeling uncomfortably full or cause you to burp. For those with sensitive stomachs or conditions like acid reflux, this can make symptoms worse.


3. It's More Expensive Than Tap Water

With the cost of living on the rise, it’s worth considering the price of regularly buying seltzer. While it might not break the bank, the cost can add up over time, especially compared to almost free tap water. Is it really worth paying for water with air bubbles?


4. There May Be Hidden Ingredients

Seltzer might seem like just water and air, but many brands add extra flavors or ingredients. These can include natural flavors, which are often not as "natural" as you might think, and sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame in some flavored versions. Even plain seltzer can sometimes contain added sodium, especially if it’s labeled as club soda.


5. Concerns About Chemicals from Packaging

Some reports have raised concerns about chemicals like PFAS, found in the packaging of many seltzer brands. These substances can leach into the water and have been linked to various health issues. If you’re not sure about the packaging practices of your favorite brand, you might be unknowingly consuming these chemicals.


While seltzer isn’t a health disaster, it’s not as perfect as it might seem. For those looking for a truly simple and healthy hydration option, plain still water is a fail-safe choice. Next time you’re thirsty, you might just want to stick with a glass of good old-fashioned tap water.